Elephant’s Ear #6 Part 1
This column is intended to answer the biggest political questions of the day. All truth. No holds barred!
What do YOU want to know? (Please submit your question to: elephantsear.column@gmail.com) The following is less of a question and more of a rant…
Stop it.
Just stop it.
Enough already.
Stop the bickering, fighting, bullying, shaming.
Stop the finger-pointing, name-calling, putting-down of people who disagree with you.
Stop calling us “RINOs”. We are all proud Elephants!
Stop the scheming, plotting, manipulation.
Stop being unreasonable, intractable, even vicious…
You are ticking people off - frustrating, depressing them.
And, worst of all...you are alienating them!
…Which makes you directly responsible for the far-too-many leaving The Party.
And, why leaving?
…Because nobody wants to put up with all that.
…And, while we are at it, stop with the self-importance.
This is supposed to be a united Party - not a cluster of attention seekers.
…So stop pushing personal beliefs that divide our Party.
After all, each of us has our own viewpoints, faith, opinions.
You won’t change mine, so stop trying to force yours on me!
…And…stop acting as if our political Party is a cult –
…Where you expect, demand, require that everyone believe - lockstep – in the exact same concepts…
My-way-or-the-highway is no way to change minds, or to bring people around to your way of thinking.
…But that IS the way of the other Party,
…Which no one on “our” side wants to copy!!!
So…the next time - before you do or say anything - picture yourself in your own audience.
If you were about to state something that would sound pushy, obnoxious, pretentious, overbearing -
…And not even YOU would want to hear it;
…And/or, if it would make you feel queasy;
…And/or if it would make you feel like thwacking the speaker (you!),
On the other hand…
If you like MY Party - and what it stands for,
…And you don’t like what the OTHER Party stands for,
I just might listen to you, agree with you, work with you…
And maybe, just maybe, we can turn around this currently upside-down hot-mess of a country –
For the better!!!
After all…
My Party is the REAL Republican Party.
My Party is the Republican Party as it was originally intended to be:
Principled, pragmatic, compassionate…
My Party supports and defends the U.S. Constitution,
…And doesn’t want anyone messing with it!
My Party wants to unite people – not divide them!
My Party wants people to be judged by their merits - and their actions -
…Not by their unchangeable personal characteristics…
My Party wants to elect people to public service, not just public office…
…Nor to make money, at our expense!
My Party believes that if all you want is power and control over the rest of us, you should go and live in a totalitarian-run country for 6 months – and only come back when you recognize how wrong you have been – and are…