Why Join CCRW?

Who we are:

We are Cherry Creek Republican Women (CCRW).

Based in Arapahoe County, we welcome members regardless of where they live.

When we started - and why:

CCRW was established, in 1954, to uphold and advance Republican values and ideals.  Our commitment to these principles remains unwavering.

What we do: CCRW…

·      …Engages its members by holding monthly luncheons featuring thought-provoking speakers; sponsoring other informative meetings; and hosting special events.

·      … Enlightens its members by providing them with timely politically-related information.

·      …Empowers its members to VOTE; support Republican candidates and their campaigns; and participate in impactful civic and political endeavors.

How much does it cost to join?

Annual dues are $40 p/year for Regular Members, $15 for Associate Members (including Republican men), and $100 for Life Associate Members.

Note: CCRW dues pay for membership in the Colorado Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) and the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW).

To become a member of Cherry Creek Republican Women – and to receive invitations to our monthly meetings, plus messages of local, state, and national importance, please complete your membership online with a credit card or mail your membership form with a check.

We welcome you to join Cherry Creek Republican Women. We think you’ll really like us!

If you need immediate assistance, please contact Susan Struna at sstruna@comcast.net or call 303-913-1394.

The CCRW publishes a confidential yearly directory for members only. If you would like to opt out of this directory, please contact Susan at sstruna@comcast.net.