The Dems have been successful: Whose “playbook” have they been using? What unites them? What can we learn?
The Elephant’s Ear – A Political “Therapy” column…
This column is intended to answer the biggest political questions of the day. All truth. No holds barred!
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(Apologies for the length of this column, but, hopefully, you’ll see why!) (Understanding Sociology takes time!)
The Dems have been successful: Whose “playbook” have they been using? What unites them? What can we learn?
v Saul Alinsky – a 1960’s union and community organizer - was one of the single most-remarkable societal theorists ever, even called, by William F Buckley Jr, “…very close to an organizational genius”.
v Please note the following:
o At the U of Chicago Law School, a certain Professor Obama taught Alinsky’s work – and…
o While at Wellesley, a certain Ms. Clinton wrote her senior thesis on Alinsky’s theories…
v Alinsky’s main premise was, “The end is the only thing that matters; the ethics of the means are irrelevant - since achieving the end will justify almost any means.” Based on that premise, lying is justifiable, IF it supports the goal.
v Republican “values” stand in the way of understanding - and dealing with - Dem tactics. (Keep reading!)
Note: Throughout history, in many countries around the world, dictatorships began with the take-over and remaking of social institutions…Since 2016, it has become evident that U.S. social institutions have been transformed – their original objectives replaced with functions other than originally intended - in support of a radical/progressive agenda, e.g.:
v Healthcare: …through the attempted installation of Pres. Obama’s unworkable (and costly) Affordable Health Care Act (the ACA) - under which employees actually lost their healthcare benefits.
v Education: …which began with the shutting down of schools (due to COVID), and the post-COVID installation of curricula that had morphed away from “the fundamentals”, into social justice, gender issues, etc.
v Criminal “Justice”: …through the election of “progressive” DA’s, in many major US (sanctuary?) cities - which led to the elimination of bail and jail; the replacement of victims’ rights with criminals’ rights; and attempts at gun control.
v Media/Social Media: …by the partisan (Dem) takeover of the news’ “business” – which now provides one-sided lock-step biased support for one-after-another, ill-defined, unresolvable, guilt-inducing, often consensus-driven (not data-driven) “crises”. (P.S. If you flip channels during news’ programs, you can see/hear the duplication/repetition…)
v Language: …by “weaponizing” words/phrases to demonize opponents, and to initiate a process of thought control(!)
Is it just a crazy premise, or is this a systematic/coordinated effort by a small clique of folks who want to change the U.S., fundamentally - in order to acquire centralized power/control for themselves (!)…And…How can that happen?
v A small example of how easily that can happen is described in “The Blueprint” (as mentioned in Elephant’s Ear #4) – about how 4 wealthy Colorado Dems decided to “take over” Colorado politics – and did it! …So…Yes…It ISpossible!
o …Plus, COVID showed how “simple” it is to quarantine/lock-down the entire US population!
v The names of those behind the scenes who want to transform the U.S. may include (but may not be limited to) Pres. Obama’s Chicago “inner circle” – the group that master-minded his election, over the formidable Hilary Clinton.
o Among members have been/may still be: Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, the Emanuels, David Axelrod, Eric Holder, Arne Duncan, Penny Pritzker, John Rogers, Eric Whitaker, Martin Nesbitt, James Crown, plus others (added, as needed/wanted) who represent money, influence, diversity – and, especially, loyalty.
v So how was a relatively-unknown Barack Obama able to win the Presidency? …With Saul Alinsky’s methods – andfunding by transformation-oriented multi-billionaires (e.g. George Soros, Bill Gates, and under-the-radar others.)
v …But the “Alinsky-ite” faction has been patiently and strategically “installing” a behind-the-scenes/covert political agenda – that appears intent on destabilizing the U.S. - and replacing its Nationalism with Globalism.
…And, why would such a group want to share power with other countries (i.e. via Globalism)?
v Follow the money - and the desire to “rule”…But this group actually has no wish to share power over the U.S. Its members just do NOT want an independent-minded “patriotic” U.S. population.
v PS The “agenda” was interrupted - for 4-years - by the Trump admin. - enraging and frustrating the “cabal”, and - whether you like DJT or not - that is what’s really behind why “they’ve” never stopped hounding/trashing him!
All this may sound crazy, and hard to believe, but what if there’s evidence that the above isn’t just speculation?
v Using Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals to achieve its objectives, the tight-knit circle has constantly shifted attention away from what it is really trying to do – keeping its followers engaged, with ever-changing-issue “protests” (…as in Rahm Emanuel’s quote, “Never let a serious crisis go to waste. It’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before…”)
o Whether initiated by “the group” (or others, for their own purposes), the variety of “causes” - publicized via social media - has attracted/kept followers - along with shaming non-participants, whom they “call out” or “cancel”, i.e. point fingers at, blame, and ridicule - for supposed misogyny, racism, bigotry, sexism, etc.
v In case you haven’t put “it” all together, just look at a partial list of well-funded ever-changing movements/themes,that have evolved over the last couple of decades - usually having been prompted by highly-publicized “incidents”:
o The Occupy movement - Occupy Wall Street, and then the Seattle CHOP (Capitol Hill Occupied Protest)…
o The Crime and Anti-Gun movement: Defund the Police - after George Floyd; the March for Our Lives – after school shootings…
o The Climate and Energy movement – the Green New Deal; “climate justice”; the Keystone XL Pipeline.
o The Diversity movements: BLM; Reparations; LGBTQIA+; #MeToo - and the Women’s March; indigenous people’s claims - and Standing Rock…
o The Immigration movements: Abolish ICE.
o …And now, the Palestinian “support”/Anti-Israel movement…
v The “causes” never stop being replaced - as interest in a prior one wanes. (Alinsky’s Rule #7 – A tactic that drags on for too long, becomes a drag...)
o The “causes” fit into “the” main agenda. They divert. They divide. They create friction, distrust and, lately, fear.
o The “Plan” includes, but is certainly not limited to:
§ passage of a Voting Rights Act;
§ overturning Citizens United;
§ Statehood for DC and Puerto Rico;
§ the end to judicial filibuster;
§ court “reform” (States + the Federal Supreme Court, e.g. adding Justices, politicizing courts),
§ Medicare for All;
§ the Green New Deal;
§ universal/subsidized day care and free college;
§ paid family leave;
§ a wealth tax;
§ free rent/food/phones (anything!)
o …All of which galvanize Dem voters, and all of which require increased centralized Federal involvement, and cause increased dependence on government!
o The longevity of the movements is irrelevant, as long as they produce chaos and discord – but…eventually, each tends to fall apart - mostly due to greed on the part of the leaders – and, of course, fading interest.
v The only 2 things that have consistently unified the leadership, and those involved in the various movements, is being for abortion and against DJT – and, especially, demonizing his “MAGA” followers!
v The anti-nationalist view does not accept the U.S. as being the unique “shining city on the hill” example to developing nations (yes, even if an historically-imperfect), as to how to unite people of differing origins/ languages /cultures, under an (amazingly) idealistic set of intended-to-be-blind universally-affecting governing laws that were/are “designed” to provide equal opportunity to succeed - regardless of individual traits/ circumstances/status.
v Those involved in the covert, slow, patient, methodical undermining of the U.S., appear intent on destroying this extraordinary most-optimistic “experiment” in human history – under the premise that its success is “unfair” – as its benefits and rewards are not shared equally by ALL countries - and all Peoples - and must, therefore, not be allowed to continue.
v …And then, of course, ultimately, there is that desire for “power” and “control”…