If Republicans have the “right “ issues, why can’t they connect with voters?
This column is intended to answer the biggest political questions of the day. All truth. No holds barred! So…what do YOU want to know? Please submit your questions to elephantsear.column@gmail.com
Today’s Question: If Republicans have the “right “ issues, why can’t they connect with voters?
In Colorado, most politically-active folks have read and digested Adam Schrager and Rob Witwer’s insightful book, “The Blueprint” – which describes four “moneyed” Democrats who decided to take over the power structure in our State. Note: The book did describe the “what” happened, but not the “how”!
So…although change is difficult – here’s what R’s need to acknowledge:
Fact: R’s work very hard to support their candidates. They donate time, money, energy.
Truth: The strategies that worked in 1954 haven’t been winning many elections for us!
Fact: The D’s have successfully adapted their campaigns to a 2024 reality – and also created their own…
Truth: Whether we like it or not, R’s MUST move into the 21st Century (and fast)!
Fact: The Dems have a “playbook” - which includes every trick they can think up…and, anything goes!
Truth: R’s don’t even have a playbook - let alone any desire to use “tricks”.
Fact: All of the above must change!
Truth: We can still be “ethical”, but, TO WIN, we MUST focus on WINNING!
Please note: If the format of this column is annoying you, GREAT! It is intended to wake the sleeping!!!!
Example #1: The D’s have been “ballot harvesting” for years. The R’s used to think the D’s weren’t playing “fair”. This year, FINALLY, (within the “rules”, of course,) R’s will “ballot harvest”. (‘Bout time!)
Example #2: The D’s pay high school/college students to “work” neighborhoods. Fact: We don’t have enough “man” (or woman) power. Why don’t WE pay young people? (Maybe some will become R’s!)
Fact: To win an election, a candidate must have money, name ID, and a workable/effective(!) strategy.
Truth: The D’s have money (BIG donors, unions, special-interest groups…); unify around emotion-stirring “social justice” ideas (e.g. race, gender, “rights”...); have win-oriented, detailed, structured plans – and stick to them; and - keep their folks in line!
Truth: The R’s no longer have “big” money donors; fight over no-win divisive issues; flounder over what an appealing/winning “vision” is; and don‘t learn from/use what has worked well - for the D’s!
Fact: We have the best candidates/issues, but we are talking to ourselves - and not even WE are listening, anymore… We don’t know why we lose elections. We are direction-less - and demoralized.
Truth: The best advice ever received is, “GET OVER IT!” …And, to paraphrase another piece of advice: If it isn’t working, STOP DOING “IT” - and TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT!
Fact: The current Administration has sucked the life out of this country. People want their elected officials to work for them; make them feel like they are heard and respected; give them hope that their dreams can be realized. If the “D” plan is to socialize/communize the U.S., by breaking our will, it is succeeding – BUTWE CAN CHANGE ALL THAT…
Truth: To get votes for R’s, we must pay attention to what the D’s are doing. D’s use every means possibleto reach eyes and ears - media (which they control), social media, constant emails/texts. They divert attention from what’s really going on – by using “OMG” emotional issues, + blame everything bad on R’s - and lie when they get caught. You may not like it – but, hey, it works!
HERE’S WHAT WE DO: We put ourselves in our “audience” – and give people what they need – and want. We start believing in what we say - because we do have the answers. We develop a sense of humor. We use our brains. We do the unexpected. …And…people like parties…So…let’s give them a REAL Party!!!