Do R’s need to change their stands on issues, to attract more main-stream voters?
Please note: This column confronts an “off-limits’” issue. It is intended to stimulate thought – NOT to offend!
Today’s Question: Do R’s need to change their stands on issues, to attract more main-stream voters?
The answer is “Yes” and “No” – based on 2 “Elephants in the Room”.
A Comparison:
· R’s present Principles, Values, Logic - and Issues…which – P.S. - only matter if/when Republicans are elected!)
· D’s have NO issues. Seriously. (Can you name one?) ALL Dem efforts are aimed at one thing – Winning!
o Dems have proven that they will say, or do, anything to reach their goal.
o They use emotion – to divert attention from the UN“democratic” policies they have been imposing – and which are aimed at transforming what has been an exceptional (yes, exceptional!) country.
o …And, have you noticed that - whenever R’s raise people’s everyday concerns - the D’s immediately deflect to: “Yes, but Trump…” or, “Yes, but…Abortion”?
· The D’s first “go to” is to “knock” the 45th President of the U.S., since - just by mentioning his name – D’s can get a pro/con “rise” out of anyone.
· The second D “go to” is a much bigger obstacle for R’s to overcome, i.e. “Abortion”.
o The D’s - seeing that many R’s are Faith-based - and unwilling/unable to modify their stance on what is for them a non-negotiable core issue - have deliberately made the ”no-win” issue of “Abortion” central to their strategy.
The results of the Nov. 7, 2023, election tell us that the economy, immigration, crime, etc., don’t matter, when the D’s can change the subject to abortion - and win, every time. Why? Because “abortion” isn’t the issue. The REAL issue is the right of every person to make his/her own personal decisions without government interference…so, as long as the D’s can use abortion to change the subject, R’s will lose every election. They have us, and they know it!
Please note the following two indisputable facts:
1. …No one likes Abortion.
2. …None of us can know, or even try to grasp, the circumstances - or internal struggles - that bring anyone to the unfathomable decision of ending a pregnancy.
It has, therefore, become time to remind ourselves why the Founders – despite being people of Faith – DELIBERATELY chose to SEPARATE CHURCH and STATE…recognizing that matters of Faith are NOT open to DEBATE, BUT that DEBATE is FUNDAMENTAL to the development of COLLECTIVELY-ACCEPTABLE laws and policies.
· Having suffered under British tyranny, the Founders concluded that LIFE HOLDS NO VALUE WITHOUT FREEDOM, and, based on that premise, designed a government that would, as much as possible, stay outof personal decision-making.
SIDEBAR: One Party “Rule”, as in Colorado, in effect gives Dems complete control over every aspect of our lives, INCLUDING MATTERS OF FAITH - so…as difficult/impossible as it may seem…in order to end Colorado’s One-Party dominance, R’s must UNITE - AND IGNORE (i.e. stop REFLEXIVELY reacting to) the Dems’ distractions - e.g. re Abortion, January 6, DJT, etc. - OR R’s, themselves(!), WILL CONTINUE TO BE A BIG PART OF KEEPING THE D’S IN POWER!
EXAMPLE: R’s actually had THE winning issue in the 2022 election: Parental Rights…
· While no one was paying attention, local school board elections were being won by radical left-wing candidates, purposefully funded by millions of dollars. (Millions!…in local school board elections!) (…Anyone sense a plan, here?)
· The new school board majorities began to quietly implement radical agendas – but - with COVID lock-downs, and on-line “schooling”, parents began to notice that the curriculum had been “injected” with Critical Race Theory (CRT), The 1619 Project, Gender Studies, “Woke” terms, etc.
· When parents began to voice their objections at school board meetings, they were told that they had “no business” “interfering” in the education of their (own) children(!) – some of the protesting parents being physically removedfrom hearings, “threat-tagged” by the FBI, and dismissed as “Domestic Terrorists”!
· The D’s, seeing Parental Rights become a major nationwide focus, immediately shifted to, “Yes, but…Abortion.”
· The R’s never saw that coming, didn’t have a strategy, and lost – and will lose – every election (including 2024!) where the topic of Abortion can be used, by Dems, to distract from - and supplant - every other issue.
TO WIN ELECTIONS (as impossible as it may be, or seem) R’s must be willing to SEPARATE MATTERS OF FAITH FROM POLICY, STAY OUT OF OTHERS’ PERSONAL DECISION-MAKING, and PRESENT SOLUTIONS THAT ADDRESS THE EVERYDAY NEEDS AND WORRIES OF VOTERS, e.g. Inflation, the Border, Crime, Education, Healthcare, and - Potholes!