The Elephant’s Ear – A Political “Therapy” column… Part III
This column is intended to answer the biggest political questions of the day. All truth. No holds barred!
What do YOU want to know? (Please submit your question to: This column answers the question WHAT DO R’s BELIEVE? …As tied in with the Part I rant… P.S. This one is really LONG, so, when you have time, and a nice glass of whatever, please read to see with how much you agree and where the “Elephant” and you part company…
My Party believes that government’s principal (only?) responsibility is to keep us safe and secure –
…Which means that our country must have:
…Impenetrable borders, a fair and just immigration policy - and respect for those who came here legally
…Safe cities - in which to live, work – and walk!
…A strong, prepared, well-supplied, intelligently-run, administration-supported, and UNWOKE military!
Furthermore, because My Party believes that government’s fundamental responsibility is to keep us safe andsecure:
…It does NOT support a Judiciary that is lenient to crime perpetrators;
…or that prioritizes criminals’ “rights” over victims’ rights…
…Therefore…My Party considers “no cash bail”, and sentencing that dismisses lawless acts, re-victimizing…
…And…BTW, My Party sees today’s so-called “Sanctuary” Cities as misinterpreting their original intent, and thereby allowing them to become havens for people who violate the law - while not protecting the general public, or those who do need protection…
My Party believes in Peace through Strength.
…It does not support a government that bows or apologizes to other nations,
…Or that allows unwanted intrusion of any kind!
My Party does NOT do business with declared-enemy nations,
Such as China, Russia, Iran, No. Korea, Venezuela,
Or entities like ISIS or the Taliban or the Houthi or Hamas or Hezbollah, or any Iran-affiliated group.
…But it does support the defense (and self-defense) of Taiwan, South Korea, Ukraine – and Israel!
…And, it does withdraw from treaties and agreements that are costly, and undermine U.S. interests (e.g. the Paris Climate Accords - and much of what the U.N. allows, but which conflict with its Charter!)
My Party believes in showing Voter IDs at the polls, oversight of voting machines - and their algorithms,
and cleaning up the voter rolls - so dead people don’t vote, and voters don’t get more than one ballot!
…And, it does NOT allow non-citizens, or felons, or those under-aged, to vote!
My Party thinks that any form of gun control violates the 2nd Amendment, as gun laws are unenforceable - especially, when guns can be stolen, obtained illegally on any corner, and/or produced on a 3D printer.
…And My Party thinks that the effect of gun laws is to regulate only those who already follow the law,
…but NOT those with criminal intent!
(…Though many of us do not understand the need to own military-grade weapons – outside of the military.)
My Party supports a free market, with strong competition – because that is the best way to curb inflation, hiked medical services/pharmaceutical costs, food and gas prices, and/or any other cost-of-living factor.
In that light, My Party opposes harmful economy-slowing power-and-control taxation, or increasing tax collectors - by the 1000’s…
...And that whatever taxes are collected should cover justifiable regularly-audited government services –
…And not just line the pockets of the corrupt, or those with sinister motives.
My Party not only does NOT support maintaining - or increasing - a national debt,
…It strongly advocates working toward – and maintaining - a balanced budget…
…A lot of which can be accomplished by getting rid of government-program duplication, wasteful spending - and outmoded obsolete unnecessary laws, policies and projects!
…And, My Party really likes Colorado’s TABOR Act (Taxpayer Bill of Rights) – and misses its Gallagher Act.
My Party does not support “wokeness” or Cancel Culture,
…Or ANY attempted control over speech, thought – and/or any other violation of any Freedom.
My Party believes that government - and everyone else – should stay out of our bedrooms, doctor’s offices and wallets - the latter, as much as possible!
My Party believes that – even if you are faith-based - if you have not experienced rape, incest, health and/or personal issues - you should stay the H--- out of women’s personal decision-making.
P.S. No one likes Abortion – but Reproductive Rights, control over one’s own body, and individual decision-making, are fundamental aspects of Liberty – and a free society!
…And BTW…Guess what! A man “created” the “problem” in the first place, so men should not try to define this policy, OR tell women what to do!
My Party thinks that Government has no business being involved with any “vice”…So…
It should not be in the business of making drug use acceptable, e.g.: My Party does NOT approve of “safe” injection sites, or light (or no) harsh sentencing for drug dealers!
…And My Party considers those selling fentanyl, and related drugs – especially to youth –
as having personally committed first-degree murder - and should be sentenced, accordingly.
…And…while My Party does not condone the January 6, 2021, “break-in” at the Capitol – true, a national symbol - it also does not condone keeping the intruders languishing in prison for years, without the “speedy trials”, as guaranteed by Law…
…Especially – when there has been NO accountability, arrest, or charge brought against any of those who rioted - and destroyed - 120 U.S. cities, nor against the local and State authorities who allowed the wanton destruction of those cities to occur – and continue…
My Party is unhappy with masks, lock-downs, and other social constraints – as based on dubious, and/or ever-changing, so-called, “scientific” “consensus”.
My Party wants real rigorously-proven, un-manipulated, data-based, non-political, trustworthy information about anyhealth issues that affect us…or, don’t put it out there!
My Party also decries the excessive (manipulated?) cost of vital medical services/pharmaceutical products –
and any delays that may affect people’s ability to be in charge of their own health, healthcare, and lives.
My Party thinks that we should be manufacturing goods vital to our nation’s security in our country –
…And should not be buying them from other nations…especially countries with dubious motives
…and/or which have the ability to steal our technology, and/or put tracking devices in their products…
…and/or which enslave their workers, or pay them below-standard wages, or force them to work under harsh conditions…and/or which pollute
…And, that supply-chain “issues” means that manufacturers use those as an excuse to raise prices – when they couldbe planning ahead, and saving us a lot of money – plus we wouldn’t have to rely on the aforementioned unscrupulous entities.
The people in My Party appreciate our environment - so they clean up their messes, stash their trash, don’t overuse resources, and try to improve the environment around them…
My Party considers “Global Climate Change” a pretext for the government to restrict our lives!
My Party believes that if Mankind is responsible for Global Climate Change, then we should be able to directly affectand control(!)- weather, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, etc.
…And that climate “policies” don’t work, because they are based on unsupported theories, such as “consensus”: e.g. 97% of scientists “believe” there is man-made global climate change… (Are they all certified climate scientists? Where is their unmanipulated data? Are they just speculating? Are their “examples” selected in order to justify their “opinions”, and fit their theories?)
…And, My Party thinks that having to pay for plastic bags is an indefensible imposition…especially since plastic bags are already made of recycled materials…and with pet owners, food banks, the poor, and the like, literally, paying the “price” – and with certain businesses, and products, inexplicably exempt from the “universal” rules.
…And, My Party likes to eat meat – and doesn’t believe that methane from cows is a real problem…
My Party believes in clean energy – and knows that our energy sector is the most regulated, safest, and cleanest - in the world,
…And…My Party knows that the U.S. has enough oil and gas to export – and does NOT agree with the US buying (dirty) oil and gas from sworn US-enemy nations…
…And…My Party believes that if energy prices are reasonable, people will spend more on other things - and the economy will improve.
…And My Party recognizes that the move away from oil and gas, to electric everything, contradicts the fact that electricity, and the majority of the necessary products we use, still rely on oil and gas…
…And My Party despises the new California law that ties people’s energy bills to their income.
…And My Party thinks that “cooking with gas” is the cheapest, most controllable, and best way to cook…and wants government out of our kitchens!
…And My Party likes its washers/dryers, refrigerators, lawn mowers, home heating systems/space heaters, air conditioning systems/window air conditioners and ceiling fans, water heaters, dishwashers, microwaves, air fryers, and other kitchen appliances, shower heads, lightbulbs, pool heaters, battery chargers, dehumidifiers, and restaurant kitchens just the way they are – because we don’t want to live in a Third-World country!
…And My Party considers wind turbines to be an ugly, bird-killing, fire-hazard farce - and that Electric Vehicles (EVs) are unproven, and without a working, geographically-available(!) infrastructure, and don’t function well in cold weather, need oil/gas back-up when plugged in at home, are a fire hazard, raise home electric bill amounts – and, generally, make no sense.
My Party knows that the original intent of the singularly-amazing experiment of a Universal Free Compulsory-attendance public U.S. education system - supported by tax dollars, with oversight by locally-elected community-responsive boards of education - was to produce a literate voting populace, able to maintain and sustain our truly unique representative democracy - by providing students with a community-definedcurriculum that emphasizes age-appropriate knowledge, skills, and abilities – and, yes, Patriotism - and de-emphasizes trait differences.
…Therefore…My Party does NOT support CRT, the 1619 Project, sexually-explicit materials, age-inappropriate discussions, drag activities, or teachers’ unions controlling school policies and curriculum…
…OR NOT allowing parents to participate in the schooling of their children - or to even know what their children are learning (!) - OR to be left out of any decision-making that affects their children’s education, health, or gender!
…OR eliminating accelerated classwork, honors’ recognition, the arts, sports, etc. – because ALL kids are good at something – and should have a chance to participate and be celebrated…
…And…My Party wants lower egg prices and filled potato chip bags!
BTW…You have the right, under Freedom of Speech, to express your opinion, but if you mock me, and/or slander what My Party or I believe, that will certainly NOT make for healthy discourse.